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Historical Biographies 1501-1700

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Gresham's Law: The Life and World of Queen Elizabeth I's Banker

By Guy, John

Oliver Cromwell (Profiles In Power)

By Barry Coward, Coward, Barry

Russians Among Us: Sleeper Cells, Ghost Stories and the Hunt for Putin’s Agents

By Corera, Gordon

The Autobiography And Other Writings (Classics)

By Franklin, Benjamin, Silverman, Kenneth

Crown of Thistles: The Fatal Inheritance of Mary Queen of Scots

By Porter, Linda

The Holocaust: The Jewish Tragedy

By Gilbert, Martin

The Florentines: From Dante to Galileo

By Strathern, Paul

Meade of Gettysburg

By Freeman Cleaves (author)

Quartered Safe Out Here

By Fraser, George MacDonald

The Diary: v. 5

By Pepys, Samuel, Latham, Robert, Matthews, WILLIAM

Love in the Blitz: A Woman in a World Turned Upside Down

By Alexander, Eileen

The Hollow Crown: A History of Britain in the Late Middle Ages: 04 (Penguin History of Britain)

By Rubin, Miri

Henry: Virtuous Prince

By Starkey, David

The Stuarts' Last Secret: The Missing Heirs of Bonnie Prince Charlie

By Pininski, Peter

Richard Hooker Prophet of Anglicanism

By Secor, Philip B.

The Plot Against Pepys

By Ben Long, James Long, Long, Ben, James

Circulation: William Harvey’s Revolutionary Idea

By Wright, Thomas

Power and Glory: Jacobean England and the Making of the King James Bible

By Nicolson, Adam

Nostradamus: The Evidence

By Wilson, Ian

The Elizabethans

By Wilson, A.N.

Battle of Brothers: The true story of the royal family in crisis – UPDATED WITH 12 NEW CHAPTERS

By Lacey, Robert

An English Affair: Sex, Class and Power in the Age of Profumo

By Davenport-Hines

Hobbes: A Very Short Introduction: 64 (Very Short Introductions)

By Tuck, Richard

MAN OF THE CENTURY: Winston Churchill and His Legend Since 1945

By Ramsden


By Bower, Tom

Lazarillo de Tormes: (La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes Y de Sus Fortunas Y Adversidades) (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

By Keith Whitlock, Victor Dixon, David Rowland

Letters to Sir William Temple (Classics)

By Osborne, Dorothy, Parker, Kenneth

Memoirs of Sir John Reresby: the complete text and a selection from his letters

By John Reresby, Andrew Browning, Mary K. Geiter, W.A. Speck

Sister Queens: Katherine of Aragon and Juana Queen of Castile

By Fox, Julia

Madame de Sevigne: A Seventeenth-century Life (Berg Women's Series)

By William T. Ojala & Jeanne A. Ojala