books by subject

HR Training

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Elephant in the Room: An Equality and Diversity Training Manual

By Blair McPherson

Career Development (UK PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS Management / Business)

By Jackson, Tricia

Training Practice (UK Higher Education Business Human Resourcing)

By Hackett, Penelope

Behaviour at Work

By Stafford, Christopher E.

Behaviour at Work (GNVQ Advanced Business Options)

By Sibley, Rob

Driving Performance through Learning: Develop Employees through Effective Workplace Learning

By Lancaster, Andy

Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace

By Beevers, Kathy, Rea, Andrew, Hayden, David

Learning to Change: Resource for Trainers, Managers and Learners Based on Self-Organised Learning (McGraw-Hill Training Series)

By Harri-Augstein, Sheila, Webb, Ian, Cameron-Webb, Thomas, Laurie

Behavioral Coaching

By Skiffington, Suzanne, Zeus, Perry

Meetings That Work (Business Skills Express Series)

By Silva, Karen E.

Managing Conflict at Work (Business Skills Express Series)

By Murphy, Jim

Team Building: A Practical Guide for Trainers (McGraw-Hill Training Series)

By Clark, Neil

Coaching and Mentoring: Practical Conversations to Improve Learning

By Parsloe, Eric, Leedham, Melville

The Trainer's Pocketbook

By Townsend, John, Hailstone, Phil

A Guide to Staff & Educational Development (SEDA Series)

By Baume, David, Kahn, Peter

Snapshots from Hell: Making of an MBA

By Robinson, Peter

Participatory Workshops: A Sourcebook of 21 Sets of Ideas and Activities

By Chambers, Robert

Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based Techniques

By McCarthy, Julie

E-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning

By Clark, Ruth C., Mayer, Richard E.

Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World (BUSINESS BOOKS)

By Tapscott, Don

Dealing With Difficult People: 24 Lessons for Bring Out the Best In Everyone (Mighty Managers Series)

By Brinkman, Rick, Kirschner, Richard E.

Soul of the New Consumer: Authenticity - What We Buy and Why in the New Economy

By Bridger, Darren, Lewis, David

Getting to Resolution: Turning Conflict into Collaboration

By Levine

WIKIBRANDS: Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace: Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace (BUSINESS BOOKS)

By Moffitt, Sean, Dover, Mike, Tapscott, Don

The Return Of The Mentor: Strategies For Workplace Learning (Education Policy Perspectives)

By Caldwell, Brian

Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Training Evaluation

By Kirkpatrick, James D.

SPARKS: Ideas to Ignite Your Business Growth

By Jhajharia, Shweta


By MEGGINSON, David & Clutterbuck, David

Mentoring Executives & Directors


Masterful Coaching: Extraordinary Results by Impacting People and the Way They Think and Work Together

By Hargrove