books by subject
Inorganic Chemistry

Elemental: How the Periodic Table Can Now Explain (Nearly) Everything

Ions in Solution: Basic Principles of Chemical Interactions

Inorganic Chemistry

Concise Chemistry of the Elements (Horwood Chemical Science Series)

Basic Inorganic Chemistry

Guide to Modern Inorganic Chemistry, A

Inorganic Chemistry: A Unified Approach

Microscale Inorganic Chemistry: A Comprehensive Laboratory Experience

Chirality in Transition Metal Chemistry: Molecules, Supramolecular Assemblies and Materials (Inorganic Chemistry: A Textbook Series)

Inorganic Chemistry

Organometallics and Catalysis: An Introduction

Catalyst Handbook

Periodicity and the p-Block Elements (Oxford Chemistry Primers, 16)

Applied Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis: 96 (Oxford Chemistry Primers)

Ionic Liquids as Green Solvents: Progress and Prospects: No. 856 (ACS Symposium Series)

Instant Notes Inorganic Chemistry

Mass Spectrometry of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Tools – Techniques – Tips (Inorganic Chemistry: A Textbook Series)

Organotransition Metal Chemistry: Rsc: 07 (Tutorial Chemistry Texts, Volume 7)

Reagents for Transition Metal Complex and Organometallic Syntheses (v.28) (Inorganic Syntheses)

The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals

Guide to Solutions (Inorganic Chemistry)

The Periodic Table: Calcium and the Alkaline Earth Metals Hardback

The Elements: The Compact Guide


Basic Principles of Ligand Field Theory

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Biochemistry: Volume 1 (Specialist Periodical Reports)

The Periodic Table Compendium

Symmetry and Structure