books by subject
Plant Sciences

Plant Gene Transfer and Expression Protocols

Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening

Water Relations of Plants

Water, Radiation, Salt, and Other Stresses

Plant Stress: Insect Interactions

Photomorphogenesis in Plants

Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology: Photomorphogenesis

The Role of Ascorbic Acid in Growth, Differentiation and Metabolism of Plants

Gene-for-Gene Relationship in Plant-Parasite Interactions

Simulation of Plant Growth and Crop Production

Plant Genome Analysis: Current Topics in Plant Molecular Biology

Homologous Recombination and Gene Silencing in Plants

Horticultural Reviews: 1980

Plant Tissue Culture Concepts and Laboratory Exercises

Genetic Manipulation of Woody Plants

Physiology of Woody Plants

Progress in Plant Protoplast Research: Proceedings of the 7th International Protoplast Symposium, Wageningen, the Netherlands, December 6-11, 1987

Plant Cell Culture Technology

Embryogenesis in Angiosperms: A Developmental and Experimental Study

The Flavonoids Advances in Research Since 1986

Seed Proteins: Biochemistry, Genetics, Nutritive Value

Bacteria and Plants

Advances in Plant Pathology: Genetics of Pathogenicity Factors - Application to Phytopathogenic Bacteria