books by subject
Television History & Criticism

Valuing Films: Shifting Perceptions of Worth

East Asian Cinemas: Regional Flows and Global Transformations

European Cinema and Intertextuality: History, Memory and Politics

The (Moving) Pictures Generation: The Cinematic Impulse in Downtown New York Art and Film

Violence, Politics and Textual Interventions in Northern Ireland

Reading 'Bollywood': The Young Audience and Hindi Films

Towards a Market in Broadcasting: Communications Policy in the UK and Germany

Tokyo Cyberpunk: Posthumanism in Japanese Visual Culture

Landscape Allegory in Cinema: From Wilderness to Wasteland

Masculinities in Contemporary Argentine Popular Cinema

Translating Popular Film

Television, Memory and Nostalgia

The Politics of Affect and Emotion in Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, and Mexico

Film and Female Consciousness: Irigaray, Cinema and Thinking Women

Investigating Shrek: Power, Identity, and Ideology

British Social Realism in the Arts since 1940

The Symbolic, the Sublime, and Slavoj Zizek's Theory of Film

Movies That Move Us: Screenwriting and the Power of the Protagonist's Journey

The Post-Dictatorship Generation in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay: Collective Memory and Cultural Production

Screening the Face

Representations of Femininity in American Genre Cinema: The Woman's Film, Film Noir, and Modern Horror

Presidents in the Movies: American History and Politics on Screen

Woke Up This Morning: The Definitive Oral History of The Sopranos

That Was Satire, That Was: Beyond the Fringe, the Establishment Club, "Private Eye" and "That Was the Week That Was"

"The Zoo Story

House and Philosophy: Everybody Lies

Televising War: From Vietnam to Iraq

Dexter: Investigating Cutting Edge Television

Televising Queer Women: A Reader