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Animal Physiology: Animal Performance

By Robinson, D.

Animal Physiology - Environmental Physiology

By Open University Course Team, Harding, Robin

Animal Physiology: Bk. 3: Size and Action

By Pond, C. M.

Animal Physiology: Physiological Integration (S324 Animal physiology)

By Pond, C. M.

Environmental Control and Public Health: Water Quality, Analysis and Management Unit 5-6 (Course T237)

By T237 Course Team

Pollutants and Pollution Control; Biology (Unit 1-2) (Course T237)

By T237 Course Team

Noise - Concepts and Terminology; Fundamentals of Noise Control (Unit 11-12) (Course T237)

Hazardous Wastes Management (Unit 10) (Course T237)

By T237 Course Team

Environmental Changes: Global Challenges (Environmental Web, U316, Book 1, Level 3)

By Mark Brandon, Nigel Clark

The Arts Good Study Guide

By Ellie Chambers, Andrew Northledge

Unit GR3 (Course M336)

By Coates, B., Margolis, Ben

Engineering Mechanics: Geometry of Mechanisms Block 1: Solids (Course T235)

By T235 Course Team

Statics (Block 2) (Course T235)

By T235 Course Team

Engineering Mechanics: Acceleration Block 5: Solids (Course T235)

By T235 Course Team

Design Study (Block 9) (Course T235)

By T235 Course Team

Living with Diabetes

By Open University Course Team

Units 14 -16 (Bk. 2) (Resource Book D)

By Open University Course Team

Mathematics Everywhere: Unit 1 (Open Mathematics)

By MU120 Course Team

Health, for Better, for Worse: Block A (Open Mathematics)

Units 10-13 (Bk. C) (Resource)

By Open University Course Team

Units 6-9 (Bk. B) (Resource Book B)

By Open University Course Team

Block D (Open Mathematics)

Dyslexia Toolkit - a Resource for Students and Their Tutors (OTT open teaching toolkit)

By Goodwin, V., Thompson, B.

Music, Every Picture Tells a Story: Block B

An Introduction to the Humanities - the Sixties: Mainstream Culture and Counter-culture: Block 6

By Marwick, Arthur, Krige, John, Mumm, S., Herbert, T., Richards, F., Harrison, C.

Study Units (Earth & Life S.)

By Gilmour, Iain

Blocks 1-3 (Illustration Book)

Blocks 4-7 (Illustration Book)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Resource Book: Resource Book Bk. 2

Block 3: Internal Processes

By Bell, A., Harris, N., Rothery, David A.