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Statics (Block 2) (Course T235)

By T235 Course Team

Engineering Mechanics: Acceleration Block 5: Solids (Course T235)

By T235 Course Team

Design Study (Block 9) (Course T235)

By T235 Course Team

Assignment and Transportation: Networks 3

By Open University Course Team

Design of Codes: Design 3 (Course MT365)

Graphs 4 (Course MT365)

Course MT365 (Networks 4: Physical Networks)

By Open University Course Team

Design 4 (Course MT365)

Dyslexia Toolkit - a Resource for Students and Their Tutors (OTT open teaching toolkit)

By Goodwin, V., Thompson, B.

Block C: Movement, the Ever-changing World (Open Mathematics)

Block C: Prediction, the Ever-changing World

Elastic-plastic Fracture Mechanics: Pt. 5

Variational Principles: Block 3

By The Open University

Fracture Mechanics: Case Studies: Pt. 6

Practical Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue: Pt. 1-2


By Bromley, S.

Study Units (Earth & Life S.)

By Dise, N.

Study Units (Earth & Life S.)

By Gilmour, Iain

Blocks 1-3 (Illustration Book)

Blocks 4-7 (Illustration Book)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Resource Book: Resource Book Bk. 2

An Introduction to the Humanities - the Sixties: Mainstream Culture and Counter-culture: Block 6

By Marwick, Arthur, Krige, John, Mumm, S., Herbert, T., Richards, F., Harrison, C.

Geology: Surface Processes (Course S260 S.)

By Brown, E., Coe, A., Skelton, P.W., Wilson, C

Block 3: Internal Processes

By Bell, A., Harris, N., Rothery, David A.

Science Matters: Course S280: Discovering Deep Oceans

By Colling, A.

Living with Diabetes

By Open University Course Team

Music, Every Picture Tells a Story: Block B

Study Guide 7

By OU Course Team

Study Guide 5 (Course U210)

By OU Course Team

Study Guide 6