books by publisher
Open University Worldwide

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: Circular Motion (Course MST207)

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: Getting Started (Course MST207)

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: Functions of Several Variables (Course MST207)

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: First-Order Differential Equations (Course MST207 S.)

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: Second-Order Differential Equations (Course MST207)

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling (Fourier Series)

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: Vector Algebra (Course MST207)

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: Statics (Course MST207)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Block 1: Form and Reading (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Block 2: The Colosseum (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Block 3: History, Classicism and Revolution (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Religion and Science in Context Block 4 (Course A103)

Block 5 (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: The Sixties - Mainstream Culture and Counter-culture Block 6 (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Looking Back, Looking Forward Block 7 (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Bk. 1: Resource Book (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Bk. 2: Resource Book (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Bk.3: Resource Book (Course A103)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Resource Book 4 (Course A103)

World Religions: Hinduism

World Religions: Judaism

The Arts Good Study Guide (Open University Set Book S.)

Romantic Writings

Good Essay Writing : A Social Sciences Guide

Materials and Radiation (Unit 9-10) (Course T203)

Graphs 2 (Trees)

Graphs 1 (Graphs and Digraphs)

Understanding Cities: Bk. 4: City Themes (Course DD304 S.)

Science for Materials (Block 1) (Course T203)