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Exploring European Identities (Europe: Culture and Identities in a Contested Continent S.)

By Chimisso, Christina

Science Matters: Genetic Engineering (Course S280: Science Matters)

By Cohen, Norman, Macqueen, Hilary

Fifth-century Athens: The Offprints (Course A209)

By Momigliano, A. D. and Others

Illustration Booklet 2 (Course A209)

Democracy & city state in Fifth Century Athens: Block 4

By Hardwick, Lorna, Cunningham, Colin

Illustration Booklet 1 (Fifth-Century Athens: Architecture and Sculpture)

Block 5 (Philosophy and Religious Experience in Late Fifth Century Athens)

By Emlyn-Jones, Chris

Block 1: Introduction and Block 2 (Introduction and the Greek Theatre in Its Dramatic and Social Context)

By Emlyn-Jones, Chris, Purkis, J.

Block 6 (Course Revision and Examination Preparation)

By Hardwick, Lorna, Emlyn-Jones, Chris, Cunningham, Colin, Purkis, J.

Language Learning Good Study Guide

Globalization and Europe

By Pittaway, Mark

The Fluid Borders of Europe

By Pittaway, Mark

State, Economy and Nation in 19th Century Europe: Block 2-ECONOMY (Course A221)

By Emsley, Professor Clive

State, Economy and Nation in 19th Century Europe: Block 3- NATION (Course A221)

By Bessel, Richard

Newtonian Mechanics in One Dimension (Course MST204: Mathematical Models & Methods)

Damped and Forced Vibrations (Course MST204: Mathematical Models & Methods)

An Introduction to the Humanities: Bk. 1: Resource Book (Course A103)

By Unknown

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: Vector Algebra (Course MST207)

Mathematical Methods, Models and Modelling: Statics (Course MST207)

By MST207 Course Team

An Introduction to the Humanities: Block 1: Form and Reading (Course A103)

By Harrison, C., Regan, S.

An Introduction to the Humanities: Block 2: The Colosseum (Course A103)

By Huskinson, Janet, James, Peter

An Introduction to the Humanities: Block 3: History, Classicism and Revolution (Course A103)

By Marwick, Arthur, Matravers, Derek

An Introduction to the Humanities: Religion and Science in Context Block 4 (Course A103)

By Beckerlegge, Gwilym, Moore, J.

Block 5 (Course A103)

By Havely, Cicely Palser, Hardwick, Lorna

An Introduction to the Humanities: The Sixties - Mainstream Culture and Counter-culture Block 6 (Course A103)

By Marwick, Arthur, etc., Moore, J., et al

An Introduction to the Humanities: Looking Back, Looking Forward Block 7 (Course A103)

By Tomlinson, N., Warburton, N.

Romantic Writings

By Bygrave, Stephen

World Religions: Judaism

By Goldstein, D.

The Arts Good Study Guide (Open University Set Book S.)

By Chambers, E., Northedge, Andy

World Religions: Hinduism

By Beckerlegge, Gwilym, Weightman, Simon, et al