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Child & Developmental Psychology in Education

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Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child: Seeing an Overwhelming World through Their Eyes: 1 (A Nutshell Guide)

By Williams, James, Aron, Elaine N

The Musical Mind: The Cognitive Psychology of Music (Oxford Psychology Series): 5

By Sloboda, John A.

Developmental Psychology of Music

By Hargreaves, David J.

A Mind of Their Own: Building Your Child's Emotional Wellbeing in a Post-Pandemic World

By Hill, Katharine

Understanding Youth: Perspectives, Identities & Practices (Published in association with The Open University)

By Kehily, Mary Jane

Youth in Context: Frameworks, Settings and Encounters (Published in association with The Open University)

By Robb, Martin

Safeguarding Children Living with Trauma and Family Violence: Evidence-Based Assessment, Analysis and Planning Interventions (Best Practice in Working with Children)

By Arnon Bentovim, Antony Cox, Liza Bingley Miller and Stephen Pizzey

Developmental Psychology

By Gillibrand, Dr Rachel, Lam, Dr Virginia, O'Donnell, Dr Victoria L.

Improving Sensory Processing in Traumatized Children: Practical Ideas to Help Your Child's Movement, Coordination and Body Awareness

By Sarah Lloyd

Adult Development and Aging

By Rybash, John, etc., Roodin, P., Hoyer, W.

A Critique of Universities

By Skulason, Pall

Intelligence, Destiny and Education: The Ideological Roots of Intelligence Testing

By White, John

Dibs in Search of Self: Personality Development in Play Therapy

By Virginia M. Axline, Virginia M Axline, Axline, Virginia M.

The Development and Education of the Mind: The Selected Works of Howard Gardner (World Library of Educationalists)

By Gardner, Howard

Essential Learning for Instruction (Expanded Edition)

By Gagne, Robert M

Instructional-Design Theories and Models, Volume IV: The Learner-Centered Paradigm of Education

By Reigeluth, Charles M., Beatty, Brian J., Myers, Rodney D.

Learning Theories for Early Years Practice

By Macblain, Sean

Mind and Media: Effects of Television, Computers and Video Games (The Developing Child)

By Greenfield, Pat

Psychology for Teachers (Psychology for professional groups)

By David Fontana, Fontana, David

The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales

By Bettelheim, Bruno

Listening to Four Year Olds: How they can help us plan their care and education

By Cousins, Jacqui

Encouraging Learning

By Nixon, Robin

Schooling Sexualities

By Epstein, Debbie, Johnson, Richard

Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Human Learning: Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society, Volume I

By Peter Jarvis (University of Surrey, UK)

From Timid To Tiger: A Treatment Manual for Parenting the Anxious Child

By Sam Cartwright-Hatton (University of Manchester, UK), Ben Laskey (University of Manchester, Stewart Rust (Royal Manchester Children's Hospital), Deborah McNally

Seminars in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

By Simon Gowers

Children's Minds

By Margaret Donaldson

What Does it Mean to be Five?

By Jennie Lindon

Text Messaging and Literacy - The Evidence

By Clare Wood (University of Coventry, UK Conventry University, Ladywood, Birmingham, England UK), Nenagh Kemp (University of Tasmania, Australia), Beverly Plester (University of Coventry

Ethical Decision Making in Social Research: A Practical Guide

By R. Iphofen