books by subject
Preserving Food

A-Z of Home Freezing

Starch: Advances in Structure and Function (Special Publications)

Starch: Advances in Structure and Function (Special Publications)

the SuperJam Cookbook: Over 75 Recipes, from Jams to Jammy Dodgers and Marmalades to Muffins

{ Jams, Preserves and Chutneys Handbook: All You Need to Know to Prepare and Store Over 200 of the World's Best Preserves (Revised)Paperback } Patten, Marguerite ( Author ) Feb-01-2008 Paperback

The Perfect Pickle Book

The Lolly Book: fruity, frosty, natural flavours for all ages

Preserves and Pickles

Homemade Preserves: Traditional and Modern Recipes

Mustards, Pickles and Chutneys

The Country Preserves Companion (Country Companion)

Marmalade: Sweet and Savory Spreads for a Sophisticated Taste

Sensational Preserves: 250 Recipes for Making and Using Preserves

Easy Jams, Chutneys and Preserves

Chemical Analysis in the Laboratory: A Basic Guide

Preserving Month By Month

Preserving Machine and Other Stories

Preserving Machine and Other Stories


The Ice Kitchen: Fast Fresh Food to Fill Your Family and Your Freezer

Sloe Gin and Beeswax


Simone Sekers' Quick and Easy Preserves

"Good Housekeeping" Complete Book of Preserving

Jams and Preserves

Complete Book of Home Freezing

Home Smoking and Curing

Made at Home: Vegetables

Made at Home: Preserves