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Under- & Postgraduate Drama Criticism

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Women Poets and Urban Aestheticism: Passengers of Modernity

By A. Vadillo

Letters between Forster and Isherwood on Homosexuality and Literature

By R. Zeikowitz

Cultural Diversity in the British Middle Ages: Archipelago, Island, England

By J. Cohen

Transgression: Identity, Space, Time (Transitions)

By Wolfreys, Julian

In the Light of Medieval Spain: Islam, the West, and the Relevance of the Past

By S. Doubleday, D. Coleman

The Woman's Historical Novel: British Women Writers, 1900-2000

By D. Wallace

The Politics of Romantic Theatricality, 1787-1832: The Road to the Stage

By D. Worrall

Myths and Fairy Tales in Contemporary Women's Fiction: From Atwood to Morrison

By S. Wilson

Transgression: Identity, Space, Time

By Dr Julian Wolfreys

Romanticism: A Sourcebook

By Simon Bainbridge

Twentieth-Century Irish Literature

By Aaron Kelly

Consuming Keats: Nineteenth-Century Representations in Art and Literature

By S. Wootton

Medievalism and Orientalism

By J. Ganim

Darwin and Faulkner's Novels: Evolution and Southern Fiction

By M. Wainwright

Tempests after Shakespeare

By C. Zabus

Romantic Migrations: Local, National, and Transnational Dispositions

By M. Wiley

Narratives of Class in New Irish and Scottish Literature: From Joyce to Kelman, Doyle, Galloway, and McNamee

By M. McGlynn

Paradigms of Reading: Relevance Theory and Deconstruction

By I. MacKenzie

George Eliot, Judaism and the Novels: Jewish Myth and Mysticism

By S. Nurbhai, K. Newton

Teaching Beauty in DeLillo, Woolf, and Merrill

By J. Green-Lewis, M. Soltan

Race and Identity in Hemingway's Fiction

By A. Strong

African American Servitude and Historical Imaginings: Retrospective Fiction and Representation

By M. Jordan

Samuel Richardson, Dress, and Discourse

By K. Oliver

British Discovery Literature and the Rise of Global Commerce

By A. Neill

British Women Writers of the Romantic Period: An Anthology of their Literary Criticism

By Mary Waters

Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe/Moll Flanders

By Paul Baines

The Author Is Not Dead, Merely Somewhere Else: Creative Writing after Theory

By Michelene Wandor

The Reenchantment of Nineteenth-Century Fiction: Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot and Serialization

By D. Payne

Beyond the Golden Door: Jewish American Drama and Jewish American Experience

By J. Novick

Palgrave Advances in Byron Studies

By J. Stabler