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Under- & Postgraduate Drama Criticism

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Memory, Images, and the English Corpus Christi Drama

By T. Lerud

New Essays on the African American Novel: From Hurston and Ellison to Morrison and Whitehead

By L. King

The Latino/a Canon and the Emergence of Post-Sixties Literature

By R. Dalleo, E. Machado Saez

The Fiction of A.S. Byatt

By Louisa Hadley

Women's Literary Creativity and the Female Body

By D. Hoeveler, D. Decker Schuster

Victorian Sensation Fiction

By andrew radford

A Katherine Mansfield Chronology

By R. Norburn

Violence without Guilt: Ethical Narratives from the Global South

By H. Herlinghaus

The Woman's Historical Novel: British Women Writers, 1900-2000

By D. Wallace

A Kent Christmas

By Doel, Geoff, Fran

Le Gothic: Influences and Appropriations in Europe and America

By Avril Horner, S. Zlosnik

Localizing Caroline Drama: Politics and Economics of the Early Modern English Stage, 1625-1642

By A. Zucker, A. Farmer

Narrative Form

By Suzanne Keen

Narrative Form

By Suzanne Keen

New World Orders in Contemporary Children's Literature: Utopian Transformations

By C. Bradford, K. Mallan, J. Stephens, R. McCallum

Columbus, Shakespeare, and the Interpretation of the New World

By J. Hart

Virginia Woolf's Ethics of the Short Story

By C. Reynier

Metafiction and Metahistory in Contemporary Women's Writing

By A. Heilmann, M. Llewellyn

A Counter-History of Crime Fiction: Supernatural, Gothic, Sensational

By Maurizio Ascari

Lawrence's England: The Major Fiction, 1913-20

By M. Black

British Romanticism and the Edinburgh Review: Bicentenary Essays

By M. Demata, D. Wu

Teaching Chaucer

By G. Ashton, L. Sylvester

Coleridge and the Crisis of Reason

By R. Berkeley

British Romanticism and Continental Influences: Writing in an Age of Europhobia

By P. Mortensen

Wordsworth's Poetic Theory: Knowledge, Language, Experience

By A. Regier, S. Uhlig

Republican Politics and English Poetry, 1789-1874

By Stephanie Kuduk Weiner

Frances Power Cobbe and Victorian Feminism

By Susan Hamilton

Dostoevsky's Greatest Characters: A New Approach to "Notes from the Underground," Crime and Punishment, and The Brothers Karamozov

By B. Paris

Ecology and Literature: Ecocentric Personification from Antiquity to the Twenty-first Century

By B. Moore

Representing Scotland in Literature, Popular Culture and Iconography: The Masks of the Modern Nation

By A. Riach