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Under- & Postgraduate Drama Criticism

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Looking for Hamlet

By Marvin W. Hunt

Reaganism, Thatcherism and the Social Novel

By C. Hutchinson

Gifts, Markets and Economies of Desire in Virginia Woolf

By K. Simpson

Teaching African American Women's Writing

By G. Wisker

Poetry and Philosophy from Homer to Rousseau: Romantic Souls, Realist Lives

By S. Haines

Forms of English History in Literature, Landscape, and Architecture

By J. Twyning

Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Feminist Origins of the Arthurian Legend

By F. Tolhurst

Teaching African American Women's Writing

By G. Wisker

Body and Soul in Coleridge's Notebooks, 1827-1834: 'What is Life?'

By S. Webster

The Literary and Cultural Rhetoric of Victimhood: Western Europe, 1970-2005

By F. Naqvi

Early Modern Hermaphrodites: Sex and Other Stories

By R. Gilbert

A Midsummer Night's Dream

By Martin White

The Anti-Hero in the American Novel: From Joseph Heller to Kurt Vonnegut

By D. Simmons

Pacific Performances: Theatricality and Cross-Cultural Encounter in the South Seas

By C. Balme

Why Shakespeare?

By Catherine Belsey

Joyce through Lacan and Zizek: Explorations

By S. Brivic

Reading the Sphinx: Ancient Egypt in Nineteenth-Century Literary Culture

By L. Parramore

Politics without Reason: The Perfect World and the Liberal Ideal

By D. Levine

Contemporary U.S. Latino/ A Literary Criticism

By L. Sandin, R. Perez

Shakespearean Neuroplay: Reinvigorating the Study of Dramatic Texts and Performance through Cognitive Science

By A. Cook

Writers of the Reign of Henry II: Twelve Essays

By R. Kennedy, S. Meecham-Jones

The Nineteenth-Century Sonnet

By J. Phelan

Romanticism's Debatable Lands

By C. Lamont, M. Rossington

Decadence in the Late Novels of Henry James

By A. Kventsel

Palgrave Advances in Henry James Studies

By P. Rawlings

Re-reading B. S. Johnson

By P. Tew, G. White

Palgrave Advances in Henry James Studies

By P. Rawlings

Mystery in Children's Literature: From the Rational to the Supernatural

By Adrienne E. Gavin, Christopher Routledge

Popular Feminist Fiction as American Allegory: Representing National Time

By J. Elliott

Studying Poetry