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University - Business & Economics

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Managing Inter-Organizational Relations: Debates and Cases

By Jörg Sydow, Elke Schüßler, Gordon Müller-Seitz

Econometrics by Example

By Gujarati, Damodar

Quantitative Methods: for Business, Management and Finance

By Louise Swift, Sally Piff

Public Sector Accounting and Budgeting for Non-Specialists

By van Helden, G. Jan, Hodges, Ron

Safe to Fail

Engaging Customers Using Big Data: How Marketing Analytics Are Transforming Business

By Sathi, Arvind

The Mindful Marketer: How to Stay Present and Profitable in a Data-Driven World

By Nirell, Lisa

Management Accounting in the Contemporary Business World

By Prowle, Malcolm, Lucas, Michael

Custom Bradford People, Work & Organisations MAN0131

By Spicer, David

Custom Hertfordshire Entrepreneurship BUS1065

By Thomas, Maria

Development and the State in the 21st Century: Tackling the Challenges facing the Developing World

By Ezrow, Natasha &Frantz, Erica

Putting Labour in its Place: Labour Process Analysis and Global Value Chains (Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment)

By Newsome, Kirsty, Taylor, Philip, Bair, Jennifer, Rainnie, Al

Big Social Mobile: How Digital Initiatives Can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results

By Giannetto, David F.

Strategic Leadership Development: Building World Class Performance

By Colin Carnall, Prof Chris Roebuck

The Politics of Inequality

By Jensen, Carsten, van Kersbergen, C. J.

Economics for Business

By Mulhearn, Chris & Vane, Howard

Entrepreneurship and Small Business

By Burns, Paul

Technology Management: Activities and Tools

By Dilek Cetindamar, Rob Phaal, David Probert, Robert Phaal

The Seven Sins of Innovation: A Strategic Model for Entrepreneurship

By Richards, David

Soft Systems Thinking, Methodology and the Management of Change

By Brian Wilson, Kees van Haperen

Risky Business in China: A Guide to Due Diligence (Palgrave Pocket Consultants)

By Gordon, J.

Managing Digital Innovation: A Knowledge Perspective

By Newell, Sue, Morton, Josh, Marabelli, Marco, GALLIERS, Robert

Strategic Human Resource Management in the Public Arena: A Managerial Perspective

By Cunningham, John

The Statesman's Yearbook 2016: The Politics, Cultures and Economies of the World

By Heath-Brown, Nick

The Workplace Community: A Guide to Releasing Human Potential and Engaging Employees (Palgrave Pocket Consultants)

By Gee, Ian

Digitizing Government: Understanding and Implementing New Digital Business Models (Business in the Digital Economy)

By Brown, Alan, A., Fishenden, J., Thompson, M.

Globalization and Sustainable Development: A Changing Perspective for Business

By Oyevaar, Martin, Vazquez-Brust, Diego, Bommel, Harrie

Contemporary Challenges in Risk Management: Dealing with Risk, Uncertainty and the Unknown

By Andersen, Torben Juul

Political Economy of 21st Century Europe

By McCann, Dermot

Being a True VIP: Managing Importance in Yourself and Others

By Kessler, Eric H.