books by subject

The Diet Compass: the 12-step guide to science-based nutrition for a healthier and longer life

Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices: What's Missing in Your Body

The Diet Whisperer: 12-Week Reset Plan: Supercharge your metabolism, reverse diabetes and harmonise your brain clock

Escape the Diet Trap

Food Glorious Food: Incredibly Delicious Low-GL Recipes for Friends and Family

The 5-Day Diet: Lose weight, supercharge your energy and reboot your health

Say No To Diabetes: 10 Secrets to Preventing and Reversing Diabetes

I'm So Effing Hungry: Why we crave what we crave - and what to do about it

Sweet Poison: Learn how to break your addiction with sugar for life

Complete Nutrition: How to Live in Total Health

Tomatoes, Lycopene and Human Health: Preventing Chronic Diseases

Overcoming Weight Problems 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques

Overcoming Overeating: Conquer Your Obsession With Food

What Really Works For Kids

Food Combining Bible

The Juicing Recipes Book: 150 Healthy Recipes to Unleash Nutritional Power

Escape the Diet Trap

River Cottage Veg Every Day!

They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child's Behaviour, Learning and Mood

Fibre Fuelled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Plan to Lose Weight, Restore Health and Optimise Your Microbiome

Lisa Riley's Honesty Diet: Change your life in just 8 days

Nutraceuticals: Designer Foods III: Garlic, Soy and Licorice

Nutricines: Food Components in Health and Nutrition

Complete Food Combining

Run Fast. Eat Slow.: Nourishing Recipes for Athletes: A Cookbook

Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us about Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom

Spoon-Fed: Why almost everything we've been told about food is wrong

Dictionary of Carbohydrates 2e

Dictionary of Food Ingredients