books by subject
International Sales & Marketing

Developing Strategies for International Business: The WRAP Process

Managing Joint Innovation: How to balance trust and control in strategic alliances

Simply Seven: Seven Ways to Create a Sustainable Internet Business

Winning At Innovation: The A-to-F Model

International Place Branding Yearbook 2011: Managing Reputational Risk

Sales Management: A multinational perspective

Retail Internationalization in China: Expansion of Foreign Retailers

The Luxury Market in India: Maharajas to Masses

Brand Aesthetics

The Changing Nature of Doing Business in Transition Economies

The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000

Global Collaboration: Intercultural Experiences and Learning

The Business of Space: The Next Frontier of International Competition

From Battlefield to Boardroom: Making the difference through values based leadership

Real-Time Diplomacy: Politics and Power in the Social Media Era

Billions: Selling to the New Chinese Consumer

YouTubers: How YouTube Shook Up TV and Created a New Generation of Stars

A Reader in Marketing Communications

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Business

Management in 10 Words

Blue Ocean Strategy: How To Create Uncontested Market Space And Make The Competition Irrelevant

International Mktng Im/TB/Tm

International Marketing

International Marketing

International Marketing

International Marketing

International Mktng Im/TB/Tm

International Marketing

Global Cmo