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Occupational & Industrial Psychology

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Acts of War: The Behaviour of Men in Battle (CASSELL MILITARY PAPERBACKS)

By Holmes, Richard

1 available

Personality at Work: Individual Differences in the Workplace

By Furnham, Adrian, Eysenck, H. J.

Contemporary Occupational Heal: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice: 3

By Leka

Work and Quality of Life: Ethical Practices in Organizations (International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life)

By Reilly, Nora P., Sirgy, M. Joseph, Gorman, C. Allen

Organization in the Mind: Psychoanalysis, Group Relations and Organizational Consultancy (The Tavistock Clinic Series)

By Armstrong, David, Obholzer, Anton, French, Robert

Positive Relationships: Evidence Based Practice across the World

By Roffey, Sue

Food Waste at Consumer Level: A Comprehensive Literature Review (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

By Principato, Ludovica

Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership (Jossey-Bass Management Series)

By Bolman, Lee G., Deal, Terrence E.

The Joy Of Burnout: How burning out unlocks the way to a better, brighter future

By Dina Glouberman, Glouberman, Dina

Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations (TED 2)

By Ariely, Dan

On Purposeful Systems

By Ackoff, Russell L., Emery, F. E.

Wait: The useful art of procrastination

By Partnoy, Frank

Make Your Workplace Great: The 7 Keys to an Emotionally Intelligent Organization: 13 (Jossey-Bass Leadership Series - Canada)

By Stein, Steven J.

Management Intelligence: Sense and Nonsense for the Successful Manager

By Furnham, A.

The No Complaining Rule – Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work (Jon Gordon)

By Gordon, Jon

PEOPLE STYLES AT WORK: Making Bad Relationships Good and Good Relationships Better

By Bolton

Behaviour at Work for Advanced GNVQ

By Curtis, Susan, Barry

Multiple Intelligences and Leadership (Organization and Management Series)

By Riggio, Ronald E., Murphy, Susan Elaine, Pirozzolo, Francis J.

Professionals in Distress: Issues, Syndromes and Solutions in Psychology

By Kilburg, Richard R., Nathan PhD., Peter E., Thoreson, Richard W.

Learning to Change: Resource for Trainers, Managers and Learners Based on Self-Organised Learning (McGraw-Hill Training Series)

By Harri-Augstein, Sheila, Webb, Ian, Cameron-Webb, Thomas, Laurie

Counselling In Careers Guidance (Counselling in Context)

By Jayasinghe, Migel

The Irrational Executive: Psychoanalytic Explorations in Management

By Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R.

The Personality of the Organization: A Psycho-dynamic Explanation of Culture and Change

By Stapley, Lionel F.

From Dependency to Autonomy: Studies in Organization and Change

By Miller, Eric J.

Executive Coaching: The Essential Guide for Mental Health Professionals

By Sperry, Len

L'entreprise face aux troubles psychiques: Comment l'entreprise peut-elle aborder la question de la santé mentale ?

By Berthélemé, Gwenaël, Le Roy-Hatala, Claire

Managing the Human Animal

By Nicholson, Nigel

Personal Consultancy: A model for integrating counselling and coaching

By Nash Popovic, Debra Jinks, Linda Aspey

Leaders, Fools, and Impostors: Essays on the Psychology of Leadership (Jossey-Bass social & behavioral science)

By Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R.

Organizational Change: Sourcebook II: Cases in Conflict Management

By Goodstein, L. D., Lubin, B., A. W.