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Occupational & Industrial Psychology

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Backstabbers and Bullies: How to Cope with the Dark Side of People at Work

By Adrian Furnham

Work And Well-Being (Penguin education)

By Peter Warr, Toby Wall

Psychology and Work (Essential Psychology)

By Davies, David Roy, Shackleton, V. J., Davis, D.R.

Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research: A Practical Guide

By Cassell, Cathy, Symon, Gillian

Contemporary Industrial/Organizational Psychology (with InfoTracĀ®)

By Jewell, L.

The Whole Brain Business Book (McGraw-Hill Training Series)

By Herrmann, Ned

Organizational Behavior

By Kreitner, Robert, Kinicki, Angelo

Thrive: The Highly Sensitive Person and Career

By Cooper, Dr. Tracy M.

Managerial Psychology

By Leavitt

Principles of Organizational Behaviour

By Fincham, Robin, Rhodes, Peter S.

Dealing with Difficult People in a week 2nd edition (IAW)

By Langford-Wood, Naomi, Salter, Brian

Human Resources in Organisations

By Leopold, John

The Plight of Older Workers: Labor Market Experience after Plant Closure in the Swiss Manufacturing Sector: 5 (Life Course Research and Social Policies, 5)

By Baumann, Isabel

The Process Matters: Engaging and Equipping People for Success

By Brockner, Joel

The Promotion of Education: A Critical Cultural Social Marketing Approach

By Harwood, Valerie, Murray, Nyssa

Activity theory in practice: Promoting Learning Across Boundaries and Agencies

By Lanzer, Hariette, Daniels, Harry

Human Fallibility: The Ambiguity of Errors for Work and Learning: 6 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 6)

By Bauer, Johannes, Harteis, Christian

Handbook on Well-Being of Working Women (International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life)

By Connerley, Mary L., Wu, Jiyun

Personal and Organizational Excellence through Servant Leadership: Learning to Serve, Serving to Lead, Leading to Transform (Management for Professionals)

By Sendjaya, Sen

Work Stress and Health in a Globalized Economy: The Model of Effort-Reward Imbalance (Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-Being)

By Siegrist, Johannes, Wahrendorf, Morten

Work and Family Interface in the International Career Context

By Makela, Liisa, Suutari, Vesa

Making Spaces: Putting Psychoanalytic Thinking to Work

By Cullen, Kate

The Impact of ICT on Quality of Working Life

By Korunka, Christian, Hoonakker, Peter

Psychology of Career Adaptability, Employability and Resilience

By Maree, Kobus

Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology, Volume 2: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice: 02

By Leka, Stavroula, Sinclair, Robert R., Houdmont, Jonathan

Agency at Work: An Agentic Perspective on Professional Learning and Development: 20 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 20)

By Goller, Michael, Paloniemi, Susanna

Unternehmerisches Handeln und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung.

Leadership, Coaching and Followership: An Important Equation

By Brewer, Ann M.

Citation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics: Celebrating the First Thirty Years of Publication: 2 (Advances in Business Ethics Research, 2)

By Michalos, Alex C., Poff, Deborah C

Business Ethics - A Philosophical and Behavioral Approach

By Conrad, Christian A., Webb, Danica