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Occupational & Industrial Psychology

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Social Skills and Work

By Argyle, Michael

Mettre les pervers échec et mat: Des solutions concrètes pour se débarrasser des pervers narcissiques (Psychologie)

By Vecchiali, Helene

Handbook of Research Methods on Trust (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series)

By Lyon, Fergus, Möllering, Guido, Saunders, Mark N.K.

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Mental Toughness (with bonus interview "Post-Traumatic Growth and Building Resilience" with Martin Seligman) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)

By Martin E.P. Seligman, Tony Schwartz, Warren G. Bennis, Robert J. Thomas

The Heat of the Moment: Life and Death Decision-Making From a Firefighter

By Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton

Judgement Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications

By Ray W. Cooksey

Individuals, Groups and Organizations Beneath the Surface: An Introduction

By Lionel F. Stapley

Malingering and Illness Deception

Occupational Therapy for Children with Special Needs

By Elaine Wilson (Sensory Integration International, New South Wales)

The Counselling Approach to Careers Guidance

By Lynda Ali, Barbara Graham

Humanistic Perspectives on Contemporary Counseling Issues

By Mark B. Scholl (East Carolina University, North Carolina, USA), A. Scott McGowan, James T. Hansen

Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work

By Dr. Paul Babiak, Dr. Robert D. Hare

Operational Research and the Social Sciences

By S.A. Cropper, Michael C. Jackson, Paul Keys

Keepers of the Flame: Understanding Amnesty International

By Stephen Hopgood

The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness

By Morgan Housel

The Workplace Within: Psychodynamics of Organizational Life (Organization Studies series)

By Hirschhorn, Larry

Organizational Psychology: International Edition

By Edgar H. Schein


By Pamela Meyer

One Second Ahead: Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness

By Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter, Gillian Coutts

Maslow on Management

By Abraham H. Maslow, Warren Bennis (University of Southern California)

Toxic Emotions at Work: How Compassionate Companies Handle Pain and Conflict

By Peter J. Frost

Emotions at Work: Theory, Research and Applications for Management

By R.L. Payne, Cary L. Cooper

Knowledge in Organizations: Access to Thinking at Work

By John Sparrow

Discourse and Organization

By David Grant, Tom W. Keenoy, Clifford Oswick

Essentials of Organizational Behavior

By Stephen P. Robbins

Selected Research on Work Team Diversity

By Marian N. Ruderman, Martha W. Hughes-James, Susan E. Jackson

Organizational Cognition: Computation and Interpretation

By Theresa K. Lant, Zur Shapira

Organization Change: Theory and Practice

By W. Warner Burke

Attitudes In and Around Organizations

By Arthur P. Brief

Sensemaking in Organizations

By Karl E. Weick