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Poster in History

By Gallo, Max, Mayor, A., Mayor, B.

1 available

Brand Gap, The: Revised Edition (Aiga Design Press)

By Neumeier, Marty

Making Customer Satisfaction Happen

By McNealy, R.M.

Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name

By Aaker

101 Ways to Get Great Publicity

By Foster, Timothy R.V.

WWW Marketing 3e w/WS: Integrating the Web into Your Marketing Strategy

By Sterne, Jim

Principles of Marketing (Principles of Management)

By Randall, Geoffrey

Greatest Sales Stories Ever Told: From the World's Best Salespeople

By Shook, Robert L.

Advertising Principles: Choice, Challenge, Change

By Vanden Bergh, Bruce G, Katz, Helen E.

Basic Marketing with Reply Card and Student CD Rom Pack - Not Available Individually - Use5617935

By Perreault

Marketing: Principles and Perspectives w/Powerweb, 4/e (Paperback) (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Marketing)

By Bearden, WILLIAM, Ingram, Thomas, LaForge, Raymond

Marketing Briefs: A Revision and Study Guide

By Dibb, Sally, Simkin, Lyndon

Industrial Advertising and Publicity

By Hart, Norman A.

The Advertising Budget: Advertiser's Guide to Budget Determination

By Broadbent, Simon, Insitute of Practitioners in Advertising

FBA Product Research 101: A First-Time FBA Sellers Guide to Understanding Product Research Behind Amazon’s Most Profitable Products: 2 (Fulfillment by Amazon Business)

By Mikhail, Red

The Name of the Beast

By Neil Taylor

Optimal Database Marketing: Strategy, Development, and Data Mining

By Drozdenko, Ronald G., Drake, Perry D.

Hug Your Customers: The Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Astounding Results

By Mitchell, Jack

Marketing Plans

By Malcolm McDonald

Sold Separately: Children and Parents in Consumer Culture (Communications, Media, and Culture)

By Seiter, Ellen

Prologue to Population Geography (Foundations of Economic Geography)

By Zelinsky, Wilbur

Letterhead and Logo Design 8

By Top Studio Design

The Economy of Cities (Pelican S.)

By Jacobs, Jane

Chaos Marketing: How to Win in a Turbulent World (McGraw-Hill Marketing for Professionals)

By Nilson, Torsten H.

From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation: The strategic process of growing and strengthening brands

By de Chernatony, Leslie

Industrial Economics: Issues and Perspectives

By Ferguson, Paul R.



Winning B2B Marketing

By Ryan, Christopher

Confessions of an Advertising Man

By David Ogilvy

Rewind: Forty Years of Design and Advertising

By British Design Art Direction, Bullmore, Jeremy, Fletcher, Alan