books by subject
Sales Techniques

Little Red Book of Sales Answers: 99.5 Real World Answers That Make Sense, Make Sales, and Make Money


Defending Your Brand: How Smart Companies use Defensive Strategy to Deal with Competitive Attacks

Retail Work

Marketing Competences and Strategic Flexibility in China

Marketing Payback: Is Your Marketing Profitable? (Financial Times Series)

The Global Brand: How to Create and Develop Lasting Brand Value in the World Market

Customer Experience: Future Trends and Insights

The Marketing of Services

The Decentralized Energy Revolution: Business Strategies for a New Paradigm

Brand Resilience: Managing Risk and Recovery in a High-speed World

The World Apple Market

The Trust Manifesto: What you Need to do to Create a Better Internet

CIM Study Text: Paper 12, Diploma: Strategic Marketing Management

International Marketing

Marketing Planning & Strategy: A Practical Introduction

Driving Brand Value: Using Integrated Marketing to Manage Profitable Stakeholder Relationships

IMC, The Next Generation


Brand Soul: How Cause Related Marketing Builds Brands

Ogilvy on Advertising

Images of Woman: Advertising in Women's Magazines

Principles Corporate Communication

How to sell with NLP: The Powerful Way to Guarantee Your Sales Success

The Marketing Edge

The Kim Kardashian Principle

The Fun Factor: Games, Sales Contests and Activities that Make Work Fun and Get Results

The New Strategic Selling: The Unique Sales System Proven Successful by the World's Best Companies

The Big Book of Sales Games