books by subject

Marketing Management

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Marketing and General Practice

By Gilligan, Colin, Lowe, Robin

Business Marketing Management: A Strategic View of Industrial and Organizational Markets

By Hutt, Michael D., Speh, Thomas W.

Innovative Marketing Communications: Strategies for the Events Industry (Events Management)

By Masterman, Guy

Setting the PACE in Product Development

By Mcgrath, Michael E.

Marketing Strategy Masterclass

By Fifield, Paul

Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach

By Hollensen, Svend

The Ultimate CRM Handbook

By Freeland, John

Quest for Loyalty: Creating Value Through Partnership (Harvard Business Review Book Series,)

By Reichheld, Frederick F., Cook, Scott

Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for Success in a Hostile Marketplace: 1 (New Directions in Business)

By Upshaw, Lynn B.

Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name

By Aaker

Prospecting: The Key to Sales Success (Better Management Skills S.)

By Thornton, Virden J.

Start Your Business in 7 Days: Turn Your Idea Into a Life-Changing Success

By Caan, James

Successful Customer Relationship Marketing

By Stone, Merlin, Foss, Bryan

The Marketing Plan Handbook: International Edition

By Wood, Marian Burk

Marketing Management: International Edition

By Kotler, Philip T., Keller, Kevin Lane

Marketing Management

By Lancaster, Geoff, Massingham, Lester

The Selling Bible: For People in the Business of Selling

By John F. Lawhon, Sherwood Harris

Handbook of Sales and Marketing Management

By Rogers, Len

Prologue to Population Geography (Foundations of Economic Geography)

By Zelinsky, Wilbur

Authentic Marketing: How to Capture Hearts and Minds Through the Power of Purpose

By Weber, Larry

Competitive Manufacturing: A Practical Approach to the Development of a Manufacturing Strategy

By Platts, Ken, Gregory, Mike

Marketing Management for Nonprofit Organizations

By Sargeant, Adrian

Sales Promotion

By Yeshin, Tony

The Rule of Three: Why Only Three Major Competitors Will Survive in Any Market

By Sheth, Jagdish, Sisodia, Rajendra

Selling and Sales Management

By Blythe, Jim

No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing

By Falls, Jason, Deckers, Erik

Cases in Marketing Management

By Brennan, Ross

Managing the Marketing Functions: The Challenge of Customer-centred Enterprise

By Washburn, Stewart A.

Sales Coaching: Making the Great Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Coach (BUSINESS BOOKS)

By Richardson, Linda

Business Is Beautiful: The Hard Art of Standing Apart

By Danet, Jean-Batiste, Liddell, Nick, Dobney, Lynne